Book Review – An American Conspiracy by Alan C Moore

When you start reading ‘An American Conspiracy’ by Alan C Moore two thoughts cross your mind:

– Whoa, didn’t expect that! What a gripping narrative!
– Oh no, another book that portrays Muslims as terrorists!

The latter thought, thankfully, is soon quashed, while the former thought remains with you.

‘An American Conspiracy’ is a well-written, fast-paced, chilling political thriller that serves as a reminder to its readers that all that is projected to us is not always the clear truth. The book lay bares the strings pulled by politicians for gains of all nature.

The book starts with a bang, pun intended, and then follows the sudden and shocking realizations in the political career life of Congresswoman Madison Gladstone after the suicide of her longtime mentor – Senator Boyd Radford.

Moore skillfully uses the short and concise chapters to weave a tight-knit, tension-filled, political suspense novel, which incorporates the current glaring issues of anti-Muslim sentiment, global warming, media exaggeration, misrepresentation, and manipulation, amongst others, making it a relatable read.

Though, a fictionalized series of events, the reader may truly believe that these events are not far from the reality. This is also where the only drawback of the book comes. The depiction of Madison in trying to break into a warehouse in the final conflict appears quite ‘movie-like’ compared to the narration style of the rest of the story.

The ending suggests a sequel could be in works.

Alan C Moore’s ‘An American Conspiracy’ is a testament to his skills as an excellent story-teller that holds the ability of deftly steering through numerous interconnected plotlines. The book also proves that the writer holds significant understanding of the political culture and power dynamics at play at Washington, DC.

I rate this book a 4.5/5.





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